Online Predators

Young girl sits on bench with parents, showing them her phone

Online predators pose a serious threat to young people, often using manipulation or deceit to gain trust and exploit vulnerabilities. Adults can help prepare kids by educating them about the dangers of sharing personal information online, recognizing suspicious behavior, and knowing when to report or block someone.

Young girl looks at cell phone

9 Ways to Protect Your Child from Online Predators

All parents need to be concerned about online predators. But kids and teens with learning and thinking differences may be at increased risk. Use these tips to teach your child how to stay safe online.

Hands typing on a keyboard

Children and Grooming / Online Predators

Even on websites geared towards children and young adults, there are often adult online predators who look to interact with children. In the most serious cases, this can lead to real life encounters.

Concerned teenager girls looks at her phone

Internet Predators: Warnings & Prevention for Families During Pandemic & Beyond

In an era where children are spending more time on the Internet, it is essential that parents, guardians, educators and trusted adults know the risks and how to prevent exploitation. 

Young boy plays on cell phone

Internet Safety 101: Online Predators

When children go online, they have direct and immediate access to friends, family, and complete strangers, which can put unsuspecting children at great risk. Children who meet and communicate with strangers online are easy prey for Internet predators

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