Cyber Safety

Family sits together looking at laptop

It’s crucial for parents to stay involved in their children’s online activities to protect them from potential dangers. By talking with their children about cyber safety, parents can foster a safer online environment, help set healthy digital boundaries, and teach responsible behavior, ensuring their kids navigate the digital world with awareness and security.

The Cyber Safety and Digital Responsibility: A Parent’s Guide video is a collaboration between the Texas School Safety Center and Safer Schools Together. This one and a half hour long training details the positive and negative ways youth are using technology and social media.

Calculator vault app

Calculator Vaults

These are seemingly familiar apps that a person can download and with a numeric password, unlock access to apps that may not be visible on a cell phone to anyone who would pick it up and not recognize that it is a vault.

Omegle logo

Omegle Article from a Survivor

Once a free website with access to and from anyone, with the tagline, “meet strangers”, this website had many positive connections with millions of users, but also opened the door to those with nefarious intentions, drawing a law suit and ultimately shutting down. The creator writes this letter to let users now how and why it met its demise.

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Tin Eye

Tin Eye is a “reverse image” search engine. If someone posts a picture that you wish to know whether or not it is an original, you can screen shot the photo, upload it into Tin Eye, and the system will let you know if it’s real or not, using AI.